Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Train Station

I didn't think I'd even see a train here at the station as they aren't going through all the time.   I just caught the last few train cars as I got up here.  I had to go down and park and then hike back up but was glad I got at least the last few cars!
As you can see the weather has been cloudy all day and not till late afternoon did we even see any brief sunbreaks or bits of blue sky.  
I was down at the cemetery today and was just coming back to the office when I saw my Pastor going in.  I said hi to him then grabbed him and prayed for him as he was doing the funeral in a few minutes for a young gal who got shot in the head down in Seattle a week or so ago.  She had a beautiful little girl that was there.  She looked to be a toddler and am guessing about 1 year old.  So very sad all the way around.  
   Hope you all had a good day and thanks for stopping by.  I'll try and get to a few journals but not sure how much time I'll actually have.   thanks for the hearts and stars of late too!   and the lovely comments for my picture of the 5 generations from yesterday! 

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