
By mollymay49


Today Surprisingly is the last day of June, also "Surprise" being the last topic of DDW's Challenges. Thank you DDW & fellow blippers for all your comments and encouragement and the pleasure of looking at all your blips, I have learnt so much and will continue to do so, looking forward now to Anniemay's July Challenge and seeing you all there.
Here we are in King Park in the Centre of Perth, the young "tourist" taking her blip of the eternal flame in front of the Memorial which stands on the top of Mt Eisa is Michelle from the UK the partner of my Nephew, son of my Brother Rob, she Surprised us all with the announcement early last week that she will be here in Perth for one week on business, she is a chemist working for a firm based in the UK. Our "Surprise" visitor flies out tomorrow morning to Darwin where she will catch a boat along with sixty other business people from far and wide, they then sail to an off shore oil rig just off the coast of Darwin, she will stay on the boat a further four weeks then flies back home.
We all met today for a family BbQ for lunch, then we took Michelle on a tour of the city, we have just said our goodbyes and hope to see her again very soon, we shall miss her she was a joy to have stay with us for a few days, next time our Nephew will come too, what a Surprise that will be!

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