The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

Meet Roxy. She's Sexy n Sassy

This is one of the Blipfoto stories I've been looking forward to catching up on for a couple of reasons.

The first is the story behind Team CHS which you can read below and the second? well quite simply the picture itself, I mean how cool does Roxy look? she's totally awesome and quite simply hits the buttons of every Kiltwalk guy. In fact I'd go as far as to say she'll turn on a few Kiltwalk ladies too!!

You see "Roxy" is that bright, sassy, fall in love with at first site campervan shown in the picture above and she belongs to the team at Camper Hire Scotland, which is a business based in Bothwell, owned by Nicki Blood and her husband Steven in partnership with their friends.

It's a great concept and I'm sure there are many out there who will look the guys up on their website at and best of luck to them.

However regardless of how cool Roxy is, this isn't a story about Campervans. This is a story about Sophie, Nicki and Steven's 7 year old daughter who was diagnosed with a Diaphragmatic Hernia and perforated bowel, which is a very rare and serious condition for anyone, never mind a child of her age.

Sophie was rushed from Wishaw General to Yorkhill where Dr. Hajivassiliou diagnosed her condition and performed on her immediately, saving her life.

I'm glad to say Sophie is now a bright and happy 7 year old, however Yorkhill remains a very special place for the Blood family and when they came across the Kiltwalk, they realised they had found a fantastic way of raising money for Yorkhill Children's Foundation.

To date they have raised over £1,500 and loved Kiltwalk Day so much they've already organised a much larger team for next year.

This years team pictured above are from left to right... Shirley, Julie, Nicki, Susan, James and Wendy.

What follows is now Steven's story of the day and I'll leave you all to read it and hopefully enjoy it as much as I did.

"Planning anything in Scotland is never easy due to our changeable weather. So you might say that planning to walk 26 miles from the Southside of Glasgow all the way to Loch Lomond Shores is verging on pure madness. But that's exactly what around 3,000 brave souls did last Sunday - all wearing kilts in aid of Children's charities - including our very own Camper Hire Scotland Team (Team CHS).

Early in the morning as the sun broke wearily through the storm clouds and rain came pouring down, Roxy the Campervan was rolling quietly out of the the garage to set off and pick up the team to drop them at the starting line. Nicki, Susan, Wendy, Julie, Shirley and James were all up early and ready to roll. The training had been done, the back packs were laden with water, food and emergency supplies. Bandages were applied to known sore bits.

There was time for a quick photo opportunity outside Hampden Park before they headed in to start the race. More support awaited inside where young Molly Meikle was waiting in full highland dress (and waterproof coat) to cheer them off. She carried a huge Camper Hire Scotland banner that she had made the previous night with her uncle David.

And then team CHS were off on their long and arduous travels.

Hills were scaled, stairs were climbed and pavements and walkways were pounded for the next 26 miles and seven or eight hours and the team knew all the way that our Roxy and a small gathering of supporters awaited them eagerly at the finish line. There were sighs of relief and cheers all round as they did just that.

We are extremely proud to report that their immense effort and painful few days afterwards were not for nothing. Our brilliant team raised over £1500.00 for Yorkhill Children's Foundation and other children's charities".

So it's a huge well done to Team CHS for everyone at The Kiltwalk and we look forward to seeing Roxy back on the road again next year.

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