
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 60/79
Main activity: Sun - bike ride, around the house
Notes: Woke 5a but back to sleep until 7a. Felt a bit too late but got ready quickly and head out on the bike - did 10 mi, nice crisp morning, a bit breezy on the way back. Another of the beautifully painted electrical boxes (I think - maybe they're just for the traffic light). Shower and coffee for CBS Sun Morning show. Just after noon, ate eggs w/ zucchini and tried a new almond flour pancake recipe - was pretty good. Watched some basketball (Colorado Buffaloes finally lost but gave a good fight!). Did Natural New Year Spring Equinox Meditation w/ Janine and Meg from BeyondMystic from 4p-505p. Watched some shows in the evening - started Lincoln Lawyer.

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