
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 61/84
Main activity: Mon - around the house, windy
Notes: A mostly-nothing day. Nice cool morning and great air moving thru - am not looking forward to a constant struggle against the unbearable heat. Went over to the pool around 1130a, warm and quite windy - pool area was perfect tho and only 1 guy there. Shower and did the hour meditation of Joe Dispenza and then made small salad from the tiny bit of arugula still good (most gone yellow) and heated the rest of the chicken picatta from freezer. My other new cotton swimsuit arrived so walked to the mail. Inside closed up and stayed pretty cool most of the day. Getting some back and forth on the house-sitting site so asked Bette, Andy, Marie and Kathy Ray if they would do a recommendation. Watched some TV thru the afternoon (unusual) and then online a bit before streaming shows. Also chatted w/ Jo a bit thru Telegram and previewed one of her new videos. Nice breezes in the evening cooled things off well - went to bed later but kept hearing the wind move things around the blinds and couldn't get to sleep. Ended up doing a load of laundry at midnight and hanging it up ... and Mic helping me w/ another prescription so kept thinking of things and getting up to email her. Was well after 1a before I could fall asleep. 

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