
By jennym999

Donated to a charity…..

This is a bike that has been in our garage for several years and not been ridden! It came to us when they were needing more space in their shed when having their loft conversion. My son in law used to ride it about 10 miles every day to work for a few years until he got another a job which requires train travel. It looks OK in this photo but would need a good service and was only a cheap bike to start with. Having looked at its value on EBay ( not much even if in good condition) they decided it would be good to donate to a charity . So……..I found one locally that services bikes and then they go to refugees who need them. I took it there this morning then had coffee with some old work colleagues and then we had the family for a nice roast lunch.

We got out the Easter decorations and the grandchildren put them round the house.

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