TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

25/03/2024­_What’s going on now?

So far this year the close where I live has been dug up by Openreach (phone), Transco (gas) and now Severn Trent (water).

To be fair to the Severn Trent, they dug three separate holes, worked on them, and filled them in immediately – proper once and done unlike Openreach.
My main problem was however getting on and off my drive because to the left there was the water board van and barriers plus, since the lady across the road is having an in-home lift fitted for her wheelchair this van to the right and 2 others near the bottom of the drive.
It is obviously a harder build across the road than I expected since 7 hours later the main working bit still appears to be in a box on their grass.  Probably more vans tomorrow.

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