simple moments

By simplemoments

a free flying…



the sky

i just caught it - as it came out of nowhere - and i was reminded that - this is holy week - when as, a christ follower - jesus walks with me - everywhere i go - it’s not out of - nowhere but a sense - of everywhere i go - he goes with me - as he did in those last days - with his disciples - before he stretched out - his arms for us - i recall this favorite - old testament verse

“i will lead the blind by a way they did not know; i will guide them on paths they have not known. i will turn darkness to light in front of them and rough places into level ground. this is what i will do for them, and i will not abandon them.” isaiah 42:16 (csb)

it’s a prophecy fulfilled - by his death - and in so doing - as tragic as it seems - it also leads us to…


happy day…..

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