
By fennerpearson


I have an aversion to early morning 'phone calls, but this one turned out to be nothing to worry about: quite the reverse! It was Hannah ringing to tell me that she'd been promoted to being an Associate.

There is a bit of a backstory to this: her line manager had urged her to apply, even though she should, according to the rules, wait another year. Thus, Hannah's nerves about applying were exacerbated by the fact that someone might turn around and ask if she didn't understand the rules. That would make Hannah very unhappy! (I am the same.)

Anyway, the fact is that she has been awarded the new role, so this evening I walked down to meet her and then she came back for some celebratory fizz with me and the Minx. She's endearingly surprised that she's been promoted.

(I took this shot of the erstwhile Royal; Salford Hospital as I passed going to meet Hannah.)

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