
By TheOttawacker

Höll is for children, Part 2

My third blip, back in February 2019, featured a forlorn Ottawacker Jr. being dragged around Ikea. Five years is long enough to forget, I thought, so today we dragged him round again. Same face; same sense of hopelessness; same reluctance to buy a Billy.
Nonetheless, we persisted. Having bribed him with pancakes and eggs at the Ikea Restaurant, he accompanied us more or less willingly and, at one point, I am glad to say he demonstrated the fragility of Ikea stock by standing on a cart and breaking the axle.
Home, where I worked and Mrs Ottawacker took Ottawacker Jr out for a bike ride. Then we got ourselves into gear to reorganize Ottawacker Jr’s bedroom… the real reason we went to Ikea.

I still stand by my original statement about every Ikea store being 10 minutes too big.

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