Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Tree Shrew

Ever since I first spotted these elusive creatures, I have been trying daily to get a better shot. The only other shot I have blipped was October 7th last year and really I shouldn't have bothered.

I have come closer a couple of times since, but today's shot is the best so far. Still a long way to go and I will still be trying everyday on future safaris.

I usually see these squirrel like creatures a couple of times a week. The first sign that they are around is the noise they make, a 'chak-chak-chak' sound. What I have learned is that once you hear this sound, you have got no chance of a shot, as I am pretty sure that this is a danger cry, meaning that you have been spotted.

This morning, looking well ahead, I spotted a couple in the trees above the path. They move through the trees with lightning speed that simply defies gravity. I manage to get within about 30 feet before I was spotted and that was that. This was the only decent shot, cropped to death, but still the best so far.


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