
By tridral


Barod  ~ Ready

“Creativity often consists of merely turning up what is already there. Did you know that right and left shoes were thought up only a little more than a century ago?”
― Bernice Fitz-Gibbon

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Wel dyma ni. Ar ôl wythnos o waith mewn gwynt a glaw, rydyn ni’n gallu galw’r lloches ‘barod’. Barod yw e i dderbyn boncyffion.  Boncyffion bydd e’n cadw’n sych tan maen nhw angen. Ac maen nhw angen i ddarparu gwres i bobl yn y tŷ fferm ac ystfell cysegr trwy’r gaeaf 2025. Wel dyna’r cynllun.

Yfory rydyn ni’n mynd i ddechrau torri boncyffion ac yn dod â nhw i’r lloches. Dyna’r cynllun arall.

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Well here we are. After a week of work in wind and rain, we can call the shelter 'ready'. Ready it is to receive logs. Logs it will keep dry until they are needed. And they are needed to provide heat for people in the farmhouse and shrine room through the winter of 2025. Well that's the plan. 

Tomorrow we are going to start cutting logs and bring them to the shelter. That's the other plan.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Y storfa pren - cyflawn
Description (English): The wood store - complete

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