A day in the life

By Shelling


For the first time this year and the first time in a long time, the hiking club has been on a walk. Only six of us this time, the ones who has opportunity comes along, sometimes we're over ten people. We chose a simple seven to eight km walk on mid Öland, through the largest area of Hornbeam trees in Sweden, main. We also passed Odins tiles, first extra, three meter high, thin slabs of rock, dedicated to Odin and probably an old cult-place. Several ruined fortresses are close by and the area has been populated, probably more than today during the Iron/Viking-age around 4-500 AD.
Before arriving to the parked car, we came by a modern dwelling with some sort of Easter-cult on a rock, extra

As soon as spring enters, the hiking club arises, it's so wonderful to go walking through the forest-paths with old friends again. 

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