
Finally the grey blanket lifted and a bright sky met my eyes this morning. After breakfast I completed the task of assembling the loft-ladder that me and my landlord started working on yesterday. He got to do the tricky bits, like sawing the hole in the ceiling, after all it's his house so he has to take the risky decisions, and I was left to do the easier assembling. Thanks to youtube and excellent "how-to" videos it all went without any major problems. (extra, if you're interested). 

The afternoon was spent cleaning my house a bit, throwing waste away at the recycling central and having a longish walk. Having a bright sun shining doesn't mean it's warm, the thermometer said four degrees and the northerly strong wind kept me out of the flat landscape. There's a variety of springflowers, new ones every day it seems, I saw some  Daisies and a variety of blue anemones, some hybrids aren't blue at all (extra), there are even white ones.
And, this "Nyckelpiga" (key-maid) as we call them because they are supposed to hold the keys to heaven, especially the seven-dotted one that are the most common here. This one is a not so common four-dotted subgroup. What do you call them? I know of Ladybug, anything else?

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