There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Springtime, an Impressionist's Dream

I decided to take my morning walk back to the corner of Stonerow, and so I did. This is the view from there. It seemed like I was followed by a male cardinal, whom I saw at several junctures. I came across a wet bunny. Hello and well met! Forsythia was in bloom everywhere; their golden yellow was reflected on the puddles. And speaking of puddles, I got to watch a robin splish-splash as it took its bath.

Oh, and do you remember the goat sounds I heard once before? I was walking along this road with my tunes box and ear buds, and it seemed they were bleating rhythmically to my Doors tune. Guess what: I found the source. A nearby neighbor keeps two goats in the backyard. How those goats managed to bleat along with music they couldn't possibly hear . . . now THAT was the amazing thing.

Spring has most certainly sprung, and love is on the wind. I saw a pair of squirrels having a reckless romance: the male, in hot pursuit, the female taking off and running off straight down the road, tail all floofed out. (The male: "Was it something I said?") Trees are in bloom, some of them pink, and the landscape looks like a painting. This time of year is an Impressionist's dream.

I chose this as my soundtrack song: 38 Special, with Caught Up in You.

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