Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Nell likes the boxes the new kitchen came in.

Mike made a start on fitting the kitchen today. I did the first coat of paint in our new bedroom and en-suite - just the mist coat on the fresh plaster. Then this afternoon we went to look at an electric van. Hopefully it will be ok. They wouldn't budge on the price much so they've agreed to service it for us so we pick it up on Saturday. It's got 12 months MOT as well so hopefully will run smoothly for us. Feel a bit sick about how much it is but I can't work without a van and we need to get shot of the other one whilst it's still running. As it's electric it will be cheaper to run in the long term and diesel vans are never going to cope well with all the short journeys I do. I'm hoping this will be the last ever work van I buy!! 

Bit nervous that my horse box MOT is due next week and that never passes!! 

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