
By Hillyblips


Probably Definitely the bird I most dislike in my garden!! The bird I have never managed to get a decent shot of till this week - by having to employ a strategy!

We had up until recently 12 which I actually photographed because I was so stunned. Rather like a pod of orcas they rampage collectively through the hedges taking the eggs and tiny defenceless fledglings - the little birds stand no chance. I saw it and was horrified and you know when you scare them away from a nest that they will return! The farmers and gamekeepers round here dispatch them but I'm a member of the RSPB for goodness sake! It was exterminated from Norfolk before the First World War.

So 'shooting' (photographs) from the bedroom window is probably not what everyone round here would think I was doing to a magpie if I told them! You have got to admire despite an inherent bad nature, their colours, very smart appearance and general ballsiness. They are common birds but you try and get a shot (oops) and they will have bolted quick sticks well away from danger. Bold but conversely some would say 'shy' but I would rather put forward 'very clued up' and not at all stupid. They have this rather strident call, chatter, jump around in branches and chase each other - very social!

Apart from nearly all the nests in my garden they do also eat insects, larvae, grain and carrion - sometimes also frogs and snails! Is nothing safe?!! So maaaaaybe.... I'm doing the little birds a favour by distracting them with feeder goodies :) Yeh right!

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