The Pensioner

By Pensioner

The Return of the Digger

The rain drenched wind blew in from the north east all day. But I managed a trip up town for a coffee with McC the younger. Much good chat - I really should note down his hot tips for sounds as he knows what’s going on. And his vegetable beds sound intriguing too.
Later, Dug did arrive to discuss his thoughts about the slope - and also to show me his lovely power tools. I think basically he’s recommending that if we want to establish a garden within a budget, and maintain it as we get older, a strimmer is a necessity. We shall see.
What else has been happening - a new Hate Law has come into force in our fair rain soaked land. This outlaws being beastly to each other. Rangers and Celtic fans shall lie down together with the lamb, or some such thing. Needless to say, a civil war about it has already broken out online, and the Polis have had 4,000 hate incidents to log. In a few weeks we’ll have forgotten all about it.

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