
By KCNQ2Haiku

Accidental shield bug

Oo, a bee!  Quick snap.
Ha, look I found a shield bug
and in focus too!

Early start in the KCNQ2Haiku fold.  Ben woke around 3am and wanted to read the page of his DIY manual about installing locks.  I couldn't dissuade him.  Eventually I tried to do a deal with him, that I would shine my phone torch on the page for him to see it and then he would settle back down.  This worked for about 13 minutes before he came to announce to me that he was still awake :-/  I let him have the book and suggested he put it down and turn off the light when he was happy he'd looked at it properly.  This obviously didn't work and he came and got me again.  I gave in for iPad time at 4:45am.  He then spent the morning tired and grumpy.  Sigh.  Me too.
Mr KCNQ2Haiku came for a walk with us at lunchtime which was nice but muddy.  Ben was tired and fed up and Leo was pulling me along in the slippy mud, so I was lucky not to have taken a tumble!
I've tried to distract Ben with lots of cleaning today, he's been my 'helper'.  We've hoovered and steam mopped the kitchen and downstairs shower room; steam cleaned around the bins and cleaned the coffee area and we've showered the dog (this slightly backfired as an activity because Ben stole and ate the dog treats I had lined up to appease Leo..)  He's just so scarily impulsive :-/
Anyway, I'm happy the house and Dog are clean but Ben has become a little obsessed with the steam cleaner so he's now hovering over me asking if there's something we can steam clean before bed.  Sigh.  This sounds like something that is going to be a 3am conversation.  I categorically state, right now, that I will not be caving and letting him steam clean anything before at least 5:30am tomorrow :-D  It's funny because it's true :-/
Oh well, he has a carers session tomorrow so hopefully that will go better than last time and we'll get a bit of a break.  

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