Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

A Rose By Any Other Name

It has been a horrible day.

There was an early(ish) trip the Strathbrock to drop off yesterdays pick-up.
After that I headed off to get fuel while SWMBO got ready  for Bags to collect her for going to a funeral.
It wasn't a nice trip with the rain, spray and standing water. It was the same on the way back.
The only saving grace was it wasn't stop/start but remarkably easy.

I spent a while at the lathe when I got back .... nothing of significance.

While I was there I got a message asking if I could do a pick-up at 2pm from Asda.
Not a problem.
Until I left Asda and turned onto the dual carriageway. It was at a standstill in both directions!
I immediately came off on the other side of the bridge and took a winding route across town.
After dropping off the stuff I took another 'strange' route home to avoid the dual carriageway home. It was busy coming the other way - obviously people doing the same as me.

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