If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Red Squirrel

Despite the rain and a forecast that was to say the least " a bit iffy" we went walking in the woods, hoping for Red Squirrels.  We weren't disappointed!  

They were very trusting being prepared to come up to your hand and investigate.  We are so fortunate that the Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group raise sufficient funds each year to pay rangers to control Grey Squirrels over the whole of the Eden valley.

For those who don't know Greys are the kiss of death to our native Reds.  Greys introduced from North America carry a disease called Squirrel Pox to which they are immune.  The disease is invariably fatal to the Reds, it is a slow horrible death.  For 4 or 5 days they suffer lesions that swell and discharge from round the eyes, mouth and genitalia, death follows.

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