
By KathyH58

Staring match

I heard Peaches snarl at something this afternoon. When I checked to see what was happening, these 2 were on either side of the window staring at each other. Peaches may be an indoor cat, but she was not happy to see another cat on her deck. The neighbors cat was back on the deck tonight, and Peaches heard it, she walked over to the door and sat by the door. When I turned on the light, it was there.

Bad news. The bank would give me the money for the mini home BUT the government agency that insures mortgages has too many strict rules, especially for mini homes that are on rented lots. They think that my debt ratio is too high. I can sit here and pay $1300 plus utilities in rent and pay all my bills on time, but they won't approve a mortgage where the payments would be $1200/month. So I will likely get a debt consolidation loan to get everything paid off, then look at things again next year, likely after I have done my 2024 taxes. Right now they are looking at my income for 2021 and 22, and 2021 was much lower than 22. 

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