Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

Under the Bridge

Up far too early for frisbee practise but also for very good reason. This weekend see's us host our very own tournament 'Fishbowl' meaning that today's training was filled with alumni who'd made the journey up a day early. Great to see some old faces back in Lancaster!

After practise I met up with Jess to catch up after what has seemed like an age. She has some super exciting plans coming up!

Spent the rest of the afternoon chilling awaiting the arrival of yet more old Fish players from one of our alumni teams, Omega 3 (see what we did there?!). I'm playing for both Fish and Omega this weekend so I imagine I'm gona be wrecked come Sunday night. Again, great to see more old faces, the majority of which are crashing my floor this weekend!

Here's to yet another weekend of frisbee!


apologies for the uninspired nature of the journal this week. Extrav week and post degree have left me with lots of time for socialising and drinking which I have grabbed with both hands, however it seems to have left me with little of interest to blip and all too often with only my iphone for company. Here's hoping I can change this over summer and get back to some more inspiring photography!

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