
By soozaday

Taking a Bite Out of the Sun

It’s been a long time since I relied on Mr S’s dishwashing skills for a Blip. I wanted to do something clever regarding the eclipse, but the only thing this image has in common with that phenomenon is roundness. The sun is round, the moon is round, the frying pan is round. You won’t hurt your eyes if you look at the frying pan, but if you looked toward the sun this morning you needed protective eyewear. Which I had, because I happened to be at the library right at the peak moment, and they had glasses to borrow! and I saw that little black crescent cut out of the bright sun disk, and it was unexpectedly thrilling, especially to be in a small group of folks jumping up and down with delight on the steps of the downtown library. I had forgotten all about the happening; I was just dropping off an overdue book. But what serendipity! I did try to take an eclipse shot with the glasses in front of my phone lens, but that didn’t work very well.  So we have here instead a round frying pan and a memory of something that won’t happen again for a good long time.

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