
By Angelique

Something in the way 'she' looks!!!!

Following on from yesterday's blip and the day before, meet Veronique, our naked statue, who sits atop our small rockery, overseeing the garden events. Unfortunately, at the moment, she has a few cobwebs in certain areas, but I leave the cleaning of her to Mr A!!!!

She is a hard act to follow, being perfectly formed but I wont go there!! We bought her for our last garden, where she sat and watched the fish in our pond but I wasn't allowed to have a pond in this garden.

In the background, you can see other areas of garden already blipped and also Phoebe investigating the lawn to make sure there's nothing left of the last bar-be-que.

The sun has shone here again today and Phoebe and I have enjoyed a leisurely walk across the fields and seen amazing landscapes but sadly nothing that I could blip. Even saw the ears of a young fox as he skirted round us through the tracks of a barley crop. I waited poised with my trusty camera just in case he came out so I could blip him but sadly he remained hidden from view.

So the dreaded Monday has past. Have rehearsed this evening ready for Friday's performance. Matthew went back this morning, but knowing he returns in just 10 days for his annual Yeovilton Air Show, was quite happy. Have heard from my youngest son, so he drove back safely, and saw my other special son, looking well.

Sleep well and thankyou for visiting my little world in rural Somerset.

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