
By Lsquare

55+ Annual Potluck With The Youth

Once a year, the 55+ group invites the youth to come and join us for a potluck and tonight was the night!  Because of inclement weather conditions, including a wide-spread tornado watch, I wasn't sure how many would brave the storms,but we had a good representation from both groups for our Mexican potluck.  After we ate, we did some activities to get to know one another and we ended our time together praying specifically for the young people at our individual tables to feel God's presence and guidance in their lives.  On a less stormy night, we would have been able to spend a little more time together, but it was fun while it lasted and I enjoyed getting to know a little more about the young people in our church who will carry the good news of Jesus out into the world of the future----and I am encouraged by what I heard tonight......

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