He Is Risen! He Is Risen, Indeed!

We gathered at FBC this Easter Sunday morning with joy in our hearts and the glorious music of handbells to welcome us and encourage us to begin to celebrate our risen Saviour before we even entered the sanctuary.  We left here on Friday night with the solemn knowledge that the work of our salvation was done, hearing Jesus saying, "It IS finished" with His last breath.  But we had to wait until today to see Him resurrected and revealed in His eternal body.  Of course, we had the advantage of knowing the rest of the story, but it was wonderful to hear the greeting acknowledging the resurrection as we gathered to offer our praise and worship to a risen Saviour.  After the welcome, the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented a beautiful new song entitled "Mercy Tree".  Then Pastor Wes took us to First Corinthians, Chapter 15, where we find the Apostle Paul combating the idea from non-believers that there was no resurrection to discourage and destroy the faith of the believers in Corinth.  Paul felt led to write to the struggling church encouraging the believers in that wicked city to hold fast to what he had shared with them and what  they knew to be true.   Pastor Wes packed a lot into his sermon, which I encourage you to watch on the Live-stream, because he lays it all out very clearly and says it better than I can here. He is risen!  He is risen, indeed!

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