My Best Efforts - Year 3


Surprise, Surprise.........

..............when I looked out of the window and saw that there were flowers (the wrong ones!) on my evergreen Fatsia! Further investigation solved the mystery. I have two Mock Orange bushes which are cut back quite severely as soon as they have finished flowering. One of them is about 5ft from the Fatsia and I soon realised one branch had not been pruned and had grown along the wall to visit it's neighbour.
The effect is rather pleasing, I think and the perfume is amazing!

A very pleasant young man from the builders arrived at the pre-arranged time (10.30am) and so far things look a lot better than we first feared and will not involve quite as much mess as there could have been - so am keeping everything crossed.

Anni is on her way to yet another Blipmeet - I have lost track with all these meetings! No doubt she will report!!

A duller day today and quite a lot cooler but dry. Temperature at around 60 deg.F

Lower case "L" for a bigger surprise

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