
By luhardy

Prayer team day #2

Today was focused on praying around San Antonio, where the most of the work for the team based there happens through the summer.

In the morning we did a prayer walk in small groups around down past Cafe Mambo & Cafe Del Mar. We stopped in 4 different spaces praying for:

1. The music + DJs created in Ibiza to be so anointed that as it goes and impacts the world that it would open up divine encounters with the King for many.

2. “Clapping the Son”, that as many stop and watch the sunset and admire its beauty, that they would meet with the creator, not just worship creation.

3. Safety + protection for all in the area. Especially as people walk around in dark places, that God’s light would shine brightest!!

4. A space to listen to God & receive His heart afresh for the island.

Then in the afternoon we gathered and prayed on our 24-7 Centre to pray and dream over the space there for the summer ahead.

After this we walked the West End with anointing oil, stopping at different key spots, outside different clubs & bars and other spaces where the Lord led us to. Declaring more of His Kingdom to come & dreaming with Him for what He has planned here for this summer.

The day ended with some of us having an hour in the prayer room.
I took the 8-9pm slot which consisted off stomping around speaking in tongues, singing loudly, declaring out life, weeping as I felt the groans of heaven and then being engulfed by the presence of God as He moved so deeply upon me.
I randomly opened the Bible to 1 John 1. So delicious !!!
And to start my time I randomly opened a New Testament to Acts 2 which I spoke out.

Jesus let’s go!!!
What a day!!!

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