This is the day

By wrencottage

Summer is icumen in ...

It’s been another glorious day, with the temperature reaching about 20°, which is perfect for me. 

Smithers and I have been busy on the culinary front, preparing for the return from Poland of our daughter-in-law and granddaughters. They’re in the air as I write, and will be coming home to a building site of a house with no kitchen. Our son has been beavering away making it as dust-free as possible for their return, and Team Grandparents have been preparing food that can be microwaved in their lounge!

I couldn’t decide which photo to use for my blip from my walk round the garden just now, so I’m afraid it will just have to be another collage, which I think sums up how the garden is looking at the moment. 

There are lots of lilies of the valley coming into flower, but I’ll wait to photograph them until they are more fully out.

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