
By fennerpearson


I lost most of today to school - although I'm cautiously optimistic we may have found a way forward - and this evening I found myself thanking my lucky stars that I have Steve and the Minx leading the businesses. It's all about people, isn't it?

Anyway, let's talk about playing guitar.

I reckon I bought my first guitar in the mid-nineties, and over the years I learnt a few chords and a handful of songs. But I didn't really get anywhere.

It was only a couple of years ago that the Minx found me a guitar tutor in the form of Paolo, a talented man with, thankfully, deep reserves of patience. 

My progress has seemed painfully slow at times, but I can see how far I've come, which, actually, is a satisfyingly long way. This week I'm learning 'Blackbird' by The Beatles, having recently heard Beyoncé's version

And at the risk of appearing immodest, I'm rather surprised at my progress since my lesson on Friday, when I feared the song was beyond me. 

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