
By SparseRunner


Daughter L left very early for a trip to India, and was taken to the airport by A. Walking Django, I had good idea to make the optimization solver for the genetics model more efficient, so I coded that up: it worked! After lunch, I went into Edinburgh to look at two possible venues for the main talks in our workshop. I settled on the basement lecture theatre of Adam House. Although it has a projector screen, it's more like a small theatre. Indeed, it was there that A and I saw a fantastic Fringe production of Faust about 25 years ago.

Back home, I collected Django from a neighbour who had borrowed him for the afternoon, and awaited the arrival of the new washing machine. I was glad that I'd paid the £25 for connection, as installation of our new kitchen a couple of years ago had left the pipework and cabling difficult to access.

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