
By Bom

Wind Spinner

A very changeable weather day with a yellow wind warning, sun, rain, lightning in the area and I think we even got hail at one point. This morning I had a nice catch up separately with two of my sisters.

For My Record Only
This afternoon I reluctantly contacted BT again as although they raised a complaint, I expected them to contact me but instead I got a text saying the complaint would be deemed to be resolved unless I contacted them. In total I was dealing with them and the consequences for 4 hours. My BT mini hub extender isn't working properly since they sent my new BT hub 2 as my hub 1 was failing. This meant I only had wifi in half the bungalow. They'd never heard of the mini hub as a wifi extender so couldn't help with resetting it, but they did identify and resolve 'wifi congestion'. I was told the only option to resolve the issue was a new contract with wifi discs, which I wasn't keen on as I normally research the price to ensure I got the best deal, but so be it. He told me it's best to access contract details, usage etc through the BT app, so after the initial call I set that up, but had forgotten my BT login so reset it. That locked me out of my bt email even though I make sure the accounts are not linked. So cutting a long story short I eventually got through to a person (yay!) and managed to reset both passwords and got in.....then couldn't connect to the bt server email on my apple devices. He told me there are lots of issues with customers with a bt email using Apple devices. So I tried going in via the BT account, and that didn't work either even though it had worked once already, so passwords had to be reset yet again. This time I got in via my Apple devices (so far). Strangely I haven't yet been sent my revised contract, so the person I spoke to has sent an email to the retentions team. I've got a suspicion that the new contract is at the root of the problem as I still haven't received any emails for the 90 mins after agreeing the contract and speaking to BT (but have received some since) and I might be doing it all again tomorrow!

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