Living my dream

By Mima

Bean eating Bean...

...or What Big Teeth you have, Grandma.

My apologies for the blur of this shot (except for her feet). Believe it or not it is the best of several taken as Beandog happily accepted bits of bean from me. She loves beans, and these are likely to be the last ones for a few months.

Thank you for the comments about the patchwork cushion. It went into the mail to Nelson today: an enormous and exciting present for the 17-year-old.

The new broad bean bed has been the recipient of three barrows of lovely homemade compost, which has been raked over the top and is now being watered. 

I'll give it an hour or more of the sprinkler because the 33mm of rain we had at the end of last week is barely noticeable in the veg beds. The top 4cm is damp, but below that is mostly still dust-dry. How depressing to imagine how much rain we actually need to restore the soil moisture properly. At least I can do it myself where it is most needed for the new veg seeds. 

It is still three weeks until I sow the broad beans, garlic and multiplying onions, so I have plenty of time before then to thoroughly water the soil in their beds. It does feel odd to be watering empty beds though.

They forecast a few millimetres of rain today. And guess what? We have had about 50 drops. 

Still at least Bean is happy to have avoided those nasty raindrops on her back. She has had three walks and a game of soccer today, and is now fast asleep on Pink.

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