My Northumberland Life

By aliellerb

School Run

I have decided to stop taking one of my medications. Not one of the keeping-my-sight-and-me-alive medications but a rather potent bone density pill that has some dodgy side effects.

So today I visited my lovely family doctor to discuss what measures I should take as an alternative, it's all about Vitamin D, calcium and exercise so he said I need at least 30 minutes of sunlight between 11am - 3pm every day (no mean feat living in Northumberland) and to do some exercise (of which I do zero right now). He also said I need to drink a pint of milk every day - I don't do milk so asked if I can have ice cream instead (answer was "No, calcium supplements" - yawn...).

Anyway, the agreement we have reached is for me to walk the school run instead of driving, so that will be 4 miles walking every day (includes 2 up steep hills), this may not sound much to many of you but with my energy levels and rubbish levels of fitness it's a challenge for me. I shall take my camera, as I did today and see what I can blip.

I liked these foxgloves today which could be seen through the church porchway.

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