Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Costa Rica Day 13 - Corcovado

Today we motored over to Isla del Cano.  I have put tonights sunset from "the Kitchen" as first extra and Isla del Cano is that main island you can see to the right.  It is about 3 kms out to sea.  On the North more sheltered side it is ideal for snorkelling and diving.

I didn't bring my underwater camera so no pics from snorkelling but I can report that there was some coral, an abundance of different species of fish and three types of turtles.  We saw quite a few hawksbill turtles and one came up for air right next to me.  Such a thrill.  After each snorkel we were offered fresh pinapple and watermelon.  The only funny thing I thought was that a life vest had to be attached to you.  Now snorkelling wearing a life vest is not ideal.   It was permissible however to tie it to your wrist and let it float behind you which is what I did.   It's the first place I have come across where that was compulsory.

The way back however was the highlight as we saw some spotted dolphins and the captain did big donuts which apparently nets some fish which causes activity like leaping and chasing the fish from the dophins.   There musn't have been any fish in the area as the only thing I saw was a dolphin do a giagantic leap in the air which made me think of the Hitchhikes guide to the galaxy - 'So long and thanks for all the fish'.

Someone noticed some other splashes and it turned out we were near some Eagle rays who literally leapt 2 metres or more out of the sea and did a belly flop which was to remove parasites.  They were jumping out like popcorn going off.   An amazing sight.  Yes, no images of either of those as by that time my phone had been put in the dry sack but I have been given some video taken by one of the crew. 

Back for lunch and then a quiet aftenoon before going back to the Kitchen for sunset and dinner.  The main is a Coati which visited us at dinner.   They are related to raccoons and agile climbers.   This one was sniffing around for it's dinner.

The only sad thing is that G will be leaving us tomorrow.  She has received bad news from home and must return.  Much of the afternoon has been spent sorting our her travel arrangements.

She will come with us back the way we came across the bay and then up river to Siepe and then be driven to San Jose directly to the airport.  We on the other hand have another national park to visit - Rainmaker.

Oh and PS, the Puma was sighted last night (by the security guard, not us).

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