
By 58jc


As usual, most Mondays it started with BP.  Good workout although still a bit aching after the weekend gardening.  I usually listen to talk radio in the car but over the recent weeks/months the news is nothing but depressing so I have started to tune into Classic FM.  A lovely version of Pia Jesu was playing this morning (I love the Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Brightman version) so I took a quick picture to remind me.

Home for shower and toast and then off to the granite/stone place to look at kitchen countertops.  Really helpful lady who knew her stuff - OH is really embracing the project and shows that drip, drip, drip usually pays off? 

Home for a bit of sewing while OH painted the obelisks in the garden (before the rain).  

Easy dinner (jacket potato for me and left over prawn rissotto, with an added piece of chicken?! for him).

A few episodes of Blue Light (we watched the first series on Iplayer) and then bed.

Encouraged to see post from JC about his bike ride for Maggies - although not much ££ raised yet.  he included a lovely picture of No.1 looking gorgeous!

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