
By amandoAlentejo


My life has suddenly become dominated by the NHS... and this shot of our local hospital is literally the only photo I took today, on my way out from visiting my Mum this evening. Felt very tempted to cheat and put one from yesterday, but just intensified the colour instead - enough cheating for me for now.

This hospital is where I had my first daughter, and where I had both carpal tunnels done, and now where they have put my Mum back together - and all for free! Privately, just the carpals would have been over £1000 each. I do think Danny Boyle was right to celebrate this British institution in the Olympics - it is SO something we should be proud of.

Still, having said that, rather concerned that because of her Alzheimers, the nurses don't appear to be caring for her very well. Praying she'll become more alert as soon as possible...

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