
By JackyMT

My latest library book

I like the James Oswald  DCI McLean series.

Not a bad day sunny and bright most of the time but blooming cold outside, so walked the dog, did 2 loads of washing, then after lunch potted on 20 busy Lizzies and 15 of the geraniums I got the other week into bigger pots.
Paula decided to cut the lawn and it started raining so she gave up then the sun came out so she decided to do it, got half way through and it started raining again but she finished it.

Misty jumped onto the seat of the stair lift when it was upstairs so Paula sat on the seat with her and they rode down together, she seemed to like it. Cats can be such funny creatures.

We booked our April Covid Vaccination appointments today for next Thursday.

Another day gone and it's nearer to the weekend again, but at least I have got a few greenhouse jobs done.

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