
By Veronica

Going well then

Another typical Lézignan scene. This fading sign has been here for some years., and the town centre continues to deteriorate. There are some signs of movement though, as central government has allocated some cash from the "small towns fund". So the council, after chopping down the magnificent plane trees on the main street under cover of darkness, is turning it into a bland esplanade, but has also renovated the blocks of social housing near the station, which are now looking very smart.

The market was again very quiet. Several regular stallholders were absent (though the cheese man is back, thank goodness) and there were not many customers. We bought plenty of food as we'd invited Ingrid, S and T over for aperos in the evening.

"Don't overcater," said S. I made: a loaf of spelt bread, a giant focaccia, Moroccan carrot salad, and tomato and mustard tart using previously roasted tomatoes. And we also had cheese and strawberries. It seemed like a lot, but we ate most of it, with leftovers consisting mostly of bread that can go in the freezer. A pleasant evening, bed at midnight, and feeling a bit weary this morning.

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