
By KatesGardenPDX

Yup, Another Gorgeous Day!

I had quite a list of things to accomplish today, not the least of which was washing my deck which had grown a lot of algae over the winter. I had a chiropractic appointment, followed by physical therapy...will it ever end?

Mr WK and I had a terrific time at dinner with his son last night. He's in 7th grade - 12, almost 13 (gosh I'm glad that I'm not that age anymore!). He really opened up to me and we had a great conversation. Mr WK was obviously pleased and even surprised that his son was so communicative. So they're coming to our GUTS dinner tomorrow (Get Us To Spring!) - at least that's the plan. Mr WK picks up his son most weekends in Vancouver, WA where his kid lives and brings him back to the house on the coast which is a 2 hour journey. So it's all rather complex as you might imagine.

I bought these tulips earlier this week and they've opened up splendidly...a good spritz outside in the dappled light and we've got a lovely, lush drippy blip! 

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