Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Green Apples and Pink Cherry Blossoms.

The Feast Day of Pope Saint Leo 1X.
I have been feeling quite worn out truth be told, but soldiering on today with my housework and happily too. I topped up the bird seed and mealworms. I bought our Dail Mail and Accrington Observer from Best One shop.. I emptied a smelly cat litter and washed my clothes. I had my Gold Blend and Morningflake fruit and nut muesli and fed the cats. I changed Paul's bedding because he is needing as clean as possible an environment, as he recovers and praise God, they are sending him home sometime today in an NHS vehicle. The team up in Blackpool Victoria hospital are a very good efficient team. Paul has been very positive throughout his hospital experience. Maria is going to visit us tomorrow and that will be good to cheer Paul up.
It was a sunny cold start this morning, but now the Heavens have opened and the rain is with us once again.
I'm going to follow Holy Mass now and then it will be lunchtime.
Have a wonderful day.
Thank you for visiting my site blip friends.

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