There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Great Leaping Bunny Rabbits, Batman!

I'm in your yards and gardens, thumbing my nose, and flipping my little bunny tail at your brand new objets d'art!

We were inside the house, and my husband, who was looking out the front window, drew my attention to the butterfly and bulb garden. There, a rather large rabbit was hopping around. "If you want me to, I'll go chase it out of there," he offered, starting for the door.

But I said No, I will not fight the yard animals for ANYTHING that I plant here. So we just stood and watched, with me snapping along on the camera. The bunny looks like it favors the fancy imported bulbs. A rabbit with good taste, I thought.

It was only there a few minutes, and then it leapt out over the tiny fence like a gazelle and headed back under the front hedge! Yeehaw! What a great jumper!

My soundtrack song is Aretha Franklin, with Jumpin' Jack Flash, from the film of the same name.

P.S. Is it just me? Or does that new pink flamingo look quietly amused?

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