
By flavia13


Trip into town this morning, usual bit of shopping to do.  G needed to go to the post office so we went there first.  Then Hubby went off to do shopping, G went into Daisy Roots to look at books and I went for a walk along the Prom.

We then all met up in Thyme Out for brunch ad coffee.  Nice chat to Lucy and the rest of the staff then back up to the car. 

Hubby needed to pick  up his papers from the station newsagents so whilst he was doing that I popped up to the railway bridge to see what has happening with the progress of the repairs to the de-railment.  Lots of men in orange and there was an engine much further back, barely able to make it out.  I could see a largeish hole with a puddle in it but that was all, so it looks like progress is being made.

Now home.  Have to prepare a couple of things for LetsDo52 of a theme of What Is It?  Basically a close up so people can guess what it is.  I have a couple to edit but they're not great, still I'm having a go.

That's all from me for to date.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.  

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