
By Lsquare

We Are Not "In The Dark!"

We certainly were not in the dark as we gathered at FBC on a bright beautiful morning with winds from the north that made our already chilly 50 degree temperatures feel like 45 degrees.  But, inside the walls of our church, the hugs, smiles and spirits were warm and sweet as we came together to offer praise and worship to God and learn some more about what God is up to in our world which seems so dark and broken at times.  We began our service with congregational singing followed by the welcome from Matt.  The choir, orchestra and all our dedicated accompanists  then presented an uplifting arrangement of that wonderful hymn, " It Is Well With My Soul" followed by more congregational singing.  Pastor Wes then turned our attention to Ephesians where he reminded us that God is at work in our world today, no matter how things may seem to us.  And,no, it is not a last-minute emergency plan that He had to come up with because we messed up His original perfect plan!  Before the foundations of the earth were created, He had planned for Jesus to come and live the perfect life that we couldn't, so that He could provide the perfect Lamb for the sacrifice that would cover our sin debt and allow those who accept that sacrifice through faith to spend eternity in Heaven with Him.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about how we could trace God's plan to rescue us throughout the Bible.  Not that we deserve it or can earn it, but because of His goodness, but because He loves us.  You can see what Pastor Wes had to say about all this in the Live-stream.  We don't have to be in the dark regarding God's plan for us, because He has already made it known through Jesus!

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