
By KateH

The line up

I have no idea what makes the cattle suddenly stop everything, come to the fence and stare.  They did it the other day when I was changing in the bedroom which was off putting but this time I was just getting something out of the car.  

Quiet office day and I caught up with a few things, went into Petersfield around lunchtime briefly.  

It rained on and off and was cold. 

I managed to plant out a few new geraniums in the low growing bed.  I built a small wigwam of spiky plants over them so the deer don’t eat them.  We’ll see! 

V had been at the school where he teaches today so working from home I spent more time in the house.  

Watched an episode of The Gentleman written by two writers we’re working with and then a new episode of Blue Lights. 

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