My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Open Gardens

Today is the 2nd Open Garden I've been to this year.
This beautiful Garden also has a Woods full of Bluebells.
Sunny day, but chilly at times that doesn't make the day any less beautiful, as the Sun shone through the vivid green of the Tree's onto the Bluebells took my breath away.
Jane & I then went to have Tea & Cake before looking at all that was for sale there, but we didn't buy anything.
Afterwards we went along to "The Merrie Harriers! pub, but when we got there the doors were shut however Jane tried to force the doors open. LOL! 
So we drove off where I showed Jane where I went to School & where I lived before moving to Eastbourne.
We ended up at Hilliers where had Tea & Crisps, then looked around the plants & came away with a few things between us.
So glad we got to see the Bluebells. :)

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