
By Livresse


I got back home at 2 am - with a stinking cold. I got up a bit later than usual - conscious that I had a lot to do. First I went to Tesco Mobile to try and sort bout the problem with my phone, which is still not working. They gave me a temporary number/sim to use while they are trying to sort out the problem.
Then I went to Katya"s to pick Django up.
Later, I went to Portobello for my rowing session. We had a visitor from a rowing club in Massachusetts, who wanted to try our skiff. When I got there, someone was talking photos of the previous crew coming back. I had a feeling that it might be Jon Davey so I asked, and it was! 
The sea conditions and wind changed dramatically while we were out - very calm when we started and quite challenging for landing. I got soaked though  by a big wave ( I was in stroke). The crew after us gave up after 15 minutes. 
I quickly got changed (in the car) and joined my friend Laurence and her sister Sylvie, who is visiting, to eat at the Espy - lovely to catch up with both and Sylvie gave me a lot of recommendations for French authors since I am totally out of touch with the French literary scene..
Back home, I still had to take Django out again before crashing into bed.

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