
By lucia13

I lost all my babies!!

Hello my friends.! I hope things are going well for you. Here the day is grey and dark but I feel little better so I went for a walk and looking for a new kitchen for the new house.. I had a little more energy after my colourful rich dinner yesterday haha! By the way thanks a lot for the lovely comments and stars. I'm glad you enjoyed my dinner too.

I went with my friend to the river to check our swans . I have sad news from my family of swans . They lost all the babies. If you remember the pics I post on 4, 5 and 7 of june were 3 babies swans and 9 , 14 of june only 2 babies and the last time I blipped them 18 of june ,it was only one chick left . do you remember? Sorry but now I can't blip him anymore. He was not there !
The parents swans were sat in the nest , beautiful among the foliage but so sad . The foliage was growing a lot in the last few days. I almost couldn;t see the river. The netles were tallest than me. I stung mysef more than ever.
The mother looks sad like she was waiting for the baby come back . The scene was sad . We went around the river looking for the little baby in case he was hiding around somewhere but we never saw him. I suspect some other big bird o gull got him like all the rest of his brothers and sisters.

I am so sad about this. I would like to end this story with happiness. Maybe tomorrow I will go and check again but I don't think anything will change.

Have a nice day and thanks for sharing such a lovely pictures around the globe like always. I enjoyed it a lot.

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