
By MsQuizzical

Finger Fly

I took Mishka to my daughter's and we worked on steering her back and forth close to the house, like we did last week with Denise. At first she seemed more relaxed than last week but the anxiety soon set in. My daughter and I had a good chat.

Another insect on which I have taken pity. This, very smart, superb ant-hill hoverfly, was motionless with cold. It warmed up and flitted after sitting on my finger for a while. Its larvae feed on aphids within ant nests. Always a thrill to spot and photograph such a dapper insect.

Last evening I saw a great tit taking some of Mishka's fluff from the basket I had hung on the tree. I haven't seen or heard anything from the blue tits that were using my nephew's box since I posted a pic on the 12th. I presumed that they had decided against nesting there or might have been predated. I took the box down to see if they had used any Mishka fluff before they left. When I lifted the lid the female was sitting! What a shock! I felt awful. The brave bird didn't move a muscle. I quickly shut and replaced the box. Do hope she doesn't desert. I'm concerned that birds will not be able to find enough food for their young as the weather has been so cold and not conducive to insect breeding.    

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